4  Maximum likelihood-based phylogeny inference

In this chapter, we will use the IQ-TREE (Minh et al. 2020) program to infer phylogenetic trees based on maximum-likelihood. You can download IQ-TREE here.

Let’s start by loading the required packages:


set.seed(123) # for reproducibility

4.1 Goals of this lesson

To demonstrate how to use IQ-TREE, we will use an example data set to explore a question that used to be hotly debated years ago:

Are turtles more closely-related to birds or to crocodiles?

There are 3 hypotheses to test, and here we will use maximum-likelihood-based methods to find out which one is true:

In this lesson, you will learn to:

  • Infer a maximum likelihood tree
  • Apply partition models and choose the best partitioning schemes
  • Perform tree topology tests
  • Identify and remove influential genes
  • Calculate concordance factors

4.2 Data description

The data we will use in this lesson were obtained from Chiari et al. (2012), and they are stored in the data/ directory associated with this course. The files we will use are:

  • turtle.fa: a multiple sequence alignment (in FASTA) of a subset of the genes used in the original publication.

  • turtle.nex: a partition file (in NEXUS) defining a subset of 29 genes.

4.3 Inferring a maximum likelihood tree

To run IQ-TREE, use the command below:

iqtree2 -s data/turtle.fa -B 1000 -T 2

The argument -s is mandatory, and this is where you indicate where the file containing the MSA is. In our previous command, iqtree2 -s data/turtle.fa means “run IQ-TREE using the MSA in the file data/turtle.fa”.

The other arguments and their meanings are:

  • -B: number of replicates for the ultrafast bootstrap (see Minh, Nguyen, and Von Haeseler (2013) for details). Here, we used 1000 replicates.
  • -T: number of CPU cores to use. Here, we’re using 2 cores, because IQ-TREE defaults to using all available cores.

For a complete list of arguments and the possible values they take, run iqtree2 -h.

The main IQ-TREE report will be stored in a file ending in .iqtree, and the maximum likelihood tree (in Newick format) will be stored in a file ending in .treefile.

  1. Look at the report file in data/turtle.fa.iqtree and answer the questions below. Hint: you can use the readLines() function to read the output to the R session.

    • What is the best-fit model name?
    • What are the AIC/AICc/BIC scores of this model and tree?
  2. Visualise the tree in data/turtle.fa.treefile. What relationship among three trees does this tree support? What is the ultrafast bootstrap support (%) for the relevant clade?

  3. In the figure below, you can see the tree published by Chiari et al. (2012). Does the inferred tree agree with the published tree?

Species tree inferred by Chiari et al, 2012
# Read file
turtle_report <- readLines(here("data", "turtle.fa.iqtree"))

# Q1A: Best-fit model
turtle_report[grepl("Best-fit model", turtle_report)]
[1] "Best-fit model according to BIC: GTR+F+R3"
# Q1B: AIC/AICc/BIC scores for the best model
turtle_report[grepl("^Model  |^GTR\\+F\\+R3", turtle_report)]
[1] "Model                  LogL         AIC      w-AIC        AICc     w-AICc         BIC      w-BIC"
[2] "GTR+F+R3        -116218.179  232518.358 - 0.000395  232518.524 - 0.000398  232844.049 +    0.527"
# Q2
tree <- read.tree(here("data", "turtle.fa.treefile"))
plot(tree, show.node.label = TRUE)

4.4 Applying partition models

Now, we will infer a ML tree applying a partition model (Chernomor, Von Haeseler, and Minh 2016), which means that each partition (specified in the turtle.nex file) will be allowed to have its own model.

iqtree2 -s data/turtle.fa -p data/turtle.nex -B 1000 -T 2

The only new argument here is -p turtle.nex, which is used to specify an edge-linked proportional partition model, so that each partition can have shorter or longer tree length (i.e., slower or faster evolutionary rates, respectively).

As in the simpler IQ-TREE run, the main report is in a file ending in .nex.iqtree, and the tree is in a file named .nex.treefile.

  1. Look at the report file in data/turtle.nex.iqtree. What are the AIC/AICc/BIC scores of the partition model? Is it better than the previous model?

  2. Visualize the tree in data/turtle.nex.treefile. What relationship among three trees does this tree support? What is the ultrafast bootstrap support (%) for the relevant clade?

  3. Does the inferred tree agree with the published tree (Chiari et al. 2012)?

# Q1 
part_report <- readLines(here("data", "turtle.nex.iqtree"))
part_report[grepl("Best-fit model", part_report)]
[1] "Best-fit model according to BIC: K2P+I+G4:ENSGALG00000000223.macse_DNA_gb,K2P+G4:ENSGALG00000001529.macse_DNA_gb,TN+F+G4:ENSGALG00000002002.macse_DNA_gb,TVM+F+I+G4:ENSGALG00000002514.macse_DNA_gb,TIM2e+I+G4:ENSGALG00000003337.macse_DNA_gb,TIM2+F+G4:ENSGALG00000003700.macse_DNA_gb,TN+F+G4:ENSGALG00000003702.macse_DNA_gb,K2P+I+G4:ENSGALG00000003907.macse_DNA_gb,TNe+I:ENSGALG00000005820.macse_DNA_gb,TIM2+F+G4:ENSGALG00000005834.macse_DNA_gb,TNe+G4:ENSGALG00000005902.macse_DNA_gb,TIM3e+G4:ENSGALG00000008338.macse_DNA_gb,TPM2+F+G4:ENSGALG00000008517.macse_DNA_gb,TPM2+F+I+G4:ENSGALG00000008916.macse_DNA_gb,TIM2+F+R3:ENSGALG00000009085.macse_DNA_gb,TN+F+G4:ENSGALG00000009879.macse_DNA_gb,TPM3+F+G4:ENSGALG00000011323.macse_DNA_gb,TIM3e+I+G4:ENSGALG00000011434.macse_DNA_gb,TIM3+F+G4:ENSGALG00000011917.macse_DNA_gb,K2P+G4:ENSGALG00000011966.macse_DNA_gb,SYM+G4:ENSGALG00000012244.macse_DNA_gb,TN+F+G4:ENSGALG00000012379.macse_DNA_gb,TNe+G4:ENSGALG00000012568.macse_DNA_gb,TPM2+F+G4:ENSGALG00000013227.macse_DNA_gb,TN+F+G4:ENSGALG00000014038.macse_DNA_gb,TN+F+G4:ENSGALG00000014648.macse_DNA_gb,TIM+F+G4:ENSGALG00000015326.macse_DNA_gb,TIM2+F+G4:ENSGALG00000015397.macse_DNA_gb,TPM2+F+I+G4:ENSGALG00000016241.macse_DNA_gb"
idx <- grep("List of best-fit models", part_report)
idx <- seq(idx, idx + 30)

 [1] "List of best-fit models per partition:"                                                                   
 [2] ""                                                                                                         
 [3] "  ID  Model                  LogL         AIC      w-AIC        AICc     w-AICc         BIC      w-BIC"   
 [4] "   1  K2P+I+G4          -5095.247   10198.494 + 1.42e-316   10198.541 + 5.45e-317   10217.456 + 1.24e-316"
 [5] "   2  K2P+G4            -3419.486    6844.972 + 1.42e-316    6845.018 + 5.45e-317    6857.745 + 1.24e-316"
 [6] "   3  TN+F+G4           -3609.176    7232.351 + 1.42e-316    7232.520 + 5.45e-317    7263.923 + 1.24e-316"
 [7] "   4  TVM+F+I+G4        -4289.021    8598.043 + 1.42e-316    8598.348 + 5.45e-317    8644.001 + 1.24e-316"
 [8] "   5  TIM2e+I+G4        -6224.713   12461.426 + 1.42e-316   12461.514 + 5.45e-317   12490.665 + 1.24e-316"
 [9] "   6  TIM2+F+G4         -4719.062    9454.125 + 1.42e-316    9454.289 + 5.45e-317    9492.409 + 1.24e-316"
[10] "   7  TN+F+G4           -7633.586   15281.172 + 1.42e-316   15281.244 + 5.45e-317   15318.571 + 1.24e-316"
[11] "   8  K2P+I+G4          -2959.348    5926.696 + 1.42e-316    5926.780 + 5.45e-317    5943.391 + 1.24e-316"
[12] "   9  TNe+I             -3109.902    6227.805 + 1.42e-316    6227.875 + 5.45e-317    6245.229 + 1.24e-316"
[13] "  10  TIM2+F+G4         -3040.697    6097.394 + 1.42e-316    6097.604 + 5.45e-317    6133.757 + 1.24e-316"
[14] "  11  TNe+G4            -2864.568    5737.135 + 1.42e-316    5737.206 + 5.45e-317    5754.518 + 1.24e-316"
[15] "  12  TIM3e+G4          -5169.589   10349.179 + 1.42e-316   10349.255 + 5.45e-317   10372.552 + 1.24e-316"
[16] "  13  TPM2+F+G4         -2702.092    5418.183 + 1.42e-316    5418.394 + 5.45e-317    5448.224 + 1.24e-316"
[17] "  14  TPM2+F+I+G4       -3667.885    7351.771 + 1.42e-316    7352.039 + 5.45e-317    7386.192 + 1.24e-316"
[18] "  15  TIM2+F+R3         -4532.069    9086.138 + 1.42e-316    9086.426 + 5.45e-317    9139.325 + 1.24e-316"
[19] "  16  TN+F+G4           -4173.396    8360.792 + 1.42e-316    8360.982 + 5.45e-317    8391.535 + 1.24e-316"
[20] "  17  TPM3+F+G4         -5262.146   10538.293 + 1.42e-316   10538.418 + 5.45e-317   10571.909 + 1.24e-316"
[21] "  18  TIM3e+I+G4        -3036.049    6084.098 + 1.42e-316    6084.289 + 5.45e-317    6108.713 + 1.24e-316"
[22] "  19  TIM3+F+G4         -4092.671    8201.341 + 1.42e-316    8201.490 + 5.45e-317    8240.450 + 1.24e-316"
[23] "  20  K2P+G4            -2968.726    5943.452 + 1.42e-316    5943.504 + 5.45e-317    5955.897 + 1.24e-316"
[24] "  21  SYM+G4            -4372.436    8758.871 + 1.42e-316    8759.022 + 5.45e-317    8791.240 + 1.24e-316"
[25] "  22  TN+F+G4           -2870.272    5754.543 + 1.42e-316    5754.763 + 5.45e-317    5784.307 + 1.24e-316"
[26] "  23  TNe+G4            -2919.575    5847.149 + 1.42e-316    5847.213 + 5.45e-317    5864.932 + 1.24e-316"
[27] "  24  TPM2+F+G4         -5568.175   11150.350 + 1.42e-316   11150.437 + 5.45e-317   11186.552 + 1.24e-316"
[28] "  25  TN+F+G4           -3315.859    6645.717 + 1.42e-316    6645.920 + 5.45e-317    6676.025 + 1.24e-316"
[29] "  26  TN+F+G4           -2097.847    4209.693 + 1.42e-316    4209.922 + 5.45e-317    4239.168 + 1.24e-316"
[30] "  27  TIM+F+G4          -3743.957    7503.913 + 1.42e-316    7504.158 + 5.45e-317    7539.049 + 1.24e-316"
[31] "  28  TIM2+F+G4         -3634.194    7284.388 + 1.42e-316    7284.634 + 5.45e-317    7319.483 + 1.24e-316"
# Q2
tree <- read.tree(here("data", "turtle.nex.treefile"))
plot(tree, show.node.label = TRUE)

4.5 Selecting the best partitioning scheme with PartitionFinder

Now, we will use PartitionFinder (Lanfear et al. 2012) to merge partitions and reduce the potential over-parameterization.

iqtree2 -s data/turtle.fa -p data/turtle.nex -B 1000 -T 2 -m MFP+MERGE -rcluster 10 --prefix data/turtle.merge

Besides the arguments we’ve already seen, the new arguments and their meanings are:

  • -m: specifies the model to use. Here, MFP+MERGE indicates running PartitionFinder followed by tree reconstruction.

  • -rcluster: to reduce computations by only examining the top n% (here, 10%) partitioning schemes using the relaxed clustering algorithm (Lanfear et al. 2014).

  • --prefix: specifies the prefix for all output files to avoid overwriting the output of previous runs.

The main report is a file ending in .merge.iqtree, and the tree is in a file ending in .merge.treefile.

  1. Look at the report file data/turtle.merge.iqtree and answer the questions:

    • How many partitions do we have now?
    • Look at the AIC/AICc/BIC scores. Compared with two previous models, is this model better or worse?
  2. Visualize the tree in data/turtle.merge.treefile. What relationship among three trees does this tree support? What is the ultrafast bootstrap support (%) for the relevant clade?

  3. Does this tree agree with the published tree (Chiari et al. 2012)?

# Read report
merge_report <- readLines(here("data", "turtle.merge.iqtree"))

# Q1A: number of partitions
merge_report[grepl("Input data:", merge_report)]
[1] "Input data: 16 taxa with 7 partitions and 20820 total sites (2.55764% missing data)"
# Q1B: compare AIC/AICc/BIC scores
idx <- grep("List of best-fit models per partition", merge_report)
idx <- seq(idx, idx + 10)

 [1] "List of best-fit models per partition:"                                                                   
 [2] ""                                                                                                         
 [3] "  ID  Model                  LogL         AIC      w-AIC        AICc     w-AICc         BIC      w-BIC"   
 [4] "   1  TPM3+F+I+G4      -33463.275   66942.550 + 3.38e-316   66942.577 + 5.45e-317   66995.241 + 2.19e-316"
 [5] "   2  TIM3+F+I+G4      -28588.305   57194.610 + 3.38e-316   57194.643 + 5.45e-317   57254.076 + 2.19e-316"
 [6] "   3  GTR+F+I+G4       -19434.040   38890.081 + 3.38e-316   38890.158 + 5.45e-317   38957.582 + 2.19e-316"
 [7] "   4  TIM2e+I+G4        -6224.893   12461.787 + 3.38e-316   12461.874 + 5.45e-317   12491.026 + 2.19e-316"
 [8] "   5  TIM2+F+G4        -17553.560   35123.120 + 3.38e-316   35123.156 + 5.45e-317   35173.507 + 2.19e-316"
 [9] "   6  TVMe+I+G4         -6727.848   13469.695 + 3.38e-316   13469.809 + 5.45e-317   13504.000 + 2.19e-316"
[10] "   7  TIM+F+G4          -3743.955    7503.910 + 3.38e-316    7504.155 + 5.45e-317    7539.045 + 2.19e-316"
[11] ""                                                                                                         
# Q2
tree <- read.tree(here("data", "turtle.merge.treefile"))
plot(tree, show.node.label = TRUE)

4.6 Tree topology tests

Tree topology tests can be used to find out if different trees have significant differences in log-likelihoods. To do that, you can use the SH test (Shimodaira and Hasegawa 1999) or expected likelihood weights (Strimmer and Rambaut 2002).

Before running the tests, we first need to concatenate the trees in a single file:

# Read tree inferred with a single model as plain text
tree_single <- readLines(here("data", "turtle.fa.treefile"))

# Read tree inferred with partition models as plain text
tree_partitioned <- readLines(here("data", "turtle.nex.treefile"))

# Combine trees and export to file
tree_combined <- c(tree_single, tree_partitioned)
writeLines(tree_combined, con = here("data", "turtle.trees"))

Now, we can pass the concatenated tree to IQ-TREE:

iqtree2 -s data/turtle.fa -p data/turtle.merge.best_scheme.nex \
    -z data/turtle.trees \
    -zb 10000 -au -n 0 \
    --prefix data/turtle.test

Besides the arguments we’ve already seen, the new arguments and their meanings are:

  • -z: path to the file containing the concatenated trees.
  • -zb: number of replicates for approximate bootstrap for the tree topology tests (here, 10000).
  • -au: perform the Approximately Unbiased test.
  • -n 0: avoid tree search and just perform tree topology tests.

The main report is a file ending in .test.iqtree, and the tree is in a file ending in .test.treefile.

The KH, SH and AU tests return p-values. Thus, a tree is rejected if its p-value <0.05 (marked with a - sign).

  1. Look at the “USER TREES” section in the report file data/turtle.test.iqtree and answer the questions:

    • Which tree has the worst log-likelihood?
    • Can you reject this tree according to the Shimodaira Hasegawa test, assuming a p-value cutoff of 0.05?
    • Can you reject this tree according to the Approximately Unbiased test, assuming a p-value cutoff of 0.05?
# Read report and get the "USER TREES" section
test_report <- readLines(here("data", "turtle.test.iqtree"))
idx <- grep("USER TREES", test_report)
idx <- seq(idx, length(test_report))

 [1] "USER TREES"                                                                  
 [2] "----------"                                                                  
 [3] ""                                                                            
 [4] "See data/turtle.test.trees for trees with branch lengths."                   
 [5] ""                                                                            
 [6] "Tree      logL    deltaL  bp-RELL    p-KH     p-SH       c-ELW       p-AU"   
 [7] "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"   
 [8] "  1 -115741.0735  4.9507   0.424 +  0.426 +  0.426 +     0.424 +    0.412 + "
 [9] "  2 -115736.1228       0   0.576 +  0.574 +      1 +     0.576 +    0.588 + "
[10] ""                                                                            
[11] "deltaL  : logL difference from the maximal logl in the set."                 
[12] "bp-RELL : bootstrap proportion using RELL method (Kishino et al. 1990)."     
[13] "p-KH    : p-value of one sided Kishino-Hasegawa test (1989)."                
[14] "p-SH    : p-value of Shimodaira-Hasegawa test (2000)."                       
[15] "c-ELW   : Expected Likelihood Weight (Strimmer & Rambaut 2002)."             
[16] "p-AU    : p-value of approximately unbiased (AU) test (Shimodaira, 2002)."   
[17] ""                                                                            
[18] "Plus signs denote the 95% confidence sets."                                  
[19] "Minus signs denote significant exclusion."                                   
[20] "All tests performed 10000 resamplings using the RELL method."                
[21] ""                                                                            
[22] "TIME STAMP"                                                                  
[23] "----------"                                                                  
[24] ""                                                                            
[25] "Date and time: Wed Apr 12 10:10:34 2023"                                     
[26] "Total CPU time used: 6.99 seconds (0h:0m:6s)"                                
[27] "Total wall-clock time used: 17 seconds (0h:0m:17s)"                          
[28] ""                                                                            

4.7 Concordance factors

In previous analyses, we were assuming that gene trees and species tree are the same. However, in empirical data, gene trees are often different from species trees, which we call discordance. Now, we will infer different gene trees for each partition separately, and then quantify the concordance between gene trees and species tree with concordance factors.

First, let’s infer one gene tree for each partition.

iqtree2 -s data/turtle.fa -S data/turtle.nex --prefix data/turtle.loci -T 2

Now, we can calculate concordance factors using the list of trees in file turtle.loci.treefile.

iqtree2 -t data/turtle.nex.treefile \
    --gcf data/turtle.loci.treefile \
    -s data/turtle.fa \
    --scf 100

The code above calculates two kinds of concordance factors:

  • Gene concordance factor (gCF): percentage of decisive gene trees concordant with a particular branch of the species tree (0% <= gCF(b) <= 100%).
  • Site concordance factor (sCF): percentage of decisive alignment sites supporting a particular branch of the species tree (~33% <= sCF(b) <= 100%). sCF <33% means that another discordant branch b’ is more supported, whereas sCF=100% means that branch b is supported by all sites.
  1. Visualize the tree in data/turtle.nex.treefile.cf.tree. How do gCF and sCF look compared with bootstrap support values?

  2. Challenge: read concordance factors stats in file data/turtle.nex.treefile.cf.stat and create a scatterplot using {ggplot2} showing gCF in the x-axis, sCF in the y-axis, and points colored by bootstrap support values. What do you conclude?

# Q1
tree <- read.tree(here("data", "turtle.nex.treefile.cf.tree"))
plot(tree, show.node.label = TRUE)

# Q2
cf_stats <- read.table(
    here("data", "turtle.nex.treefile.cf.stat"), header = TRUE

# Q2
ggplot(cf_stats, aes(x = gCF, y = sCF, color = Label)) +
    geom_point(size = 3) +
    scale_color_viridis_c(direction = -1) +
    xlim(0, 100) + 
    ylim(0, 100) +
    geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, linetype = "dashed")


Chernomor, Olga, Arndt Von Haeseler, and Bui Quang Minh. 2016. “Terrace Aware Data Structure for Phylogenomic Inference from Supermatrices.” Systematic Biology 65 (6): 997–1008.
Chiari, Ylenia, Vincent Cahais, Nicolas Galtier, and Frédéric Delsuc. 2012. “Phylogenomic Analyses Support the Position of Turtles as the Sister Group of Birds and Crocodiles (Archosauria).” Bmc Biology 10: 1–15.
Lanfear, Robert, Brett Calcott, Simon YW Ho, and Stephane Guindon. 2012. “PartitionFinder: Combined Selection of Partitioning Schemes and Substitution Models for Phylogenetic Analyses.” Molecular Biology and Evolution 29 (6): 1695–1701.
Lanfear, Robert, Brett Calcott, David Kainer, Christoph Mayer, and Alexandros Stamatakis. 2014. “Selecting Optimal Partitioning Schemes for Phylogenomic Datasets.” BMC Evolutionary Biology 14: 1–14.
Minh, Bui Quang, Minh Anh Thi Nguyen, and Arndt Von Haeseler. 2013. “Ultrafast Approximation for Phylogenetic Bootstrap.” Molecular Biology and Evolution 30 (5): 1188–95.
Minh, Bui Quang, Heiko A Schmidt, Olga Chernomor, Dominik Schrempf, Michael D Woodhams, Arndt Von Haeseler, and Robert Lanfear. 2020. “IQ-TREE 2: New Models and Efficient Methods for Phylogenetic Inference in the Genomic Era.” Molecular Biology and Evolution 37 (5): 1530–34.
Shimodaira, Hidetoshi, and Masami Hasegawa. 1999. “Multiple Comparisons of Log-Likelihoods with Applications to Phylogenetic Inference.” Molecular Biology and Evolution 16 (8): 1114.
Strimmer, Korbinian, and Andrew Rambaut. 2002. “Inferring Confidence Sets of Possibly Misspecified Gene Trees.” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences 269 (1487): 137–42.