Calculate gene significance for a given group of genes
Calculate gene significance for a given group of genes
metadata_cols = NULL,
genes = NULL,
alpha = 0.05,
cor_method = "pearson",
min_cor = 0.2,
use_abs = TRUE
- exp
A gene expression data frame with genes in row names and samples in column names or a `SummarizedExperiment` object.
- metadata
A data frame containing sample names in row names and sample annotation in the first column. Ignored if `exp` is a `SummarizedExperiment` object, since the function will extract colData.
- metadata_cols
A vector (either numeric or character) indicating which columns should be extracted from column metadata if exp is a `SummarizedExperiment` object. The vector can contain column indices (numeric) or column names (character). By default, all columns are used.
- genes
Character vector of genes to be correlated with traits. If not given, all genes in `exp` will be considered.
- alpha
Significance level. Default is 0.05.
- cor_method
Method to calculate correlation. One of 'pearson', 'spearman' or 'kendall'. Default is 'spearman'.
- min_cor
Minimum correlation coefficient. Default is 0.2.
- use_abs
Logical indicating whether to filter by correlation using absolute value or not. If TRUE, a
of say 0.2 would keep all correlations above 0.2 and below -0.2. Default is TRUE.
A data frame with correlation and correlation p-values for each pair of gene and trait, with the following variables:
- gene
Factor, gene ID.
- trait
Factor, trait name. Each trait corresponds to a variable of the sample metadata (if numeric) or levels of a variable (if categorical).
- cor
Numeric, correlation.
- pvalue
Numeric, correlation P-values.
- group
Character, name of the metadata variable.
gs <- gene_significance(filt.se)