Calculate an adjacency matrix from a correlation matrix
- cor_matrix
A numeric, symmetric matrix with pairwise correlations between genes (i.e., a 'correlation matrix').
- beta
Numeric scalar indicating the value of the \(\beta\) power to which correlation coefficients will be raised to ensure scale-free topology fit.
- net_type
Character indicating the type of network to infer. Default: "signed hybrid".
# Simulate an expression matrix with 100 genes and 50 samples
exp <- matrix(
rnorm(100 * 50, mean = 10, sd = 2),
nrow = 100,
dimnames = list(
paste0("gene", seq_len(100)),
paste0("sample", seq_len(50))
# Calculate correlation matrix
cor_mat <- exp2cor(exp)
# Calculate adjacency matrix (random value for beta)
adj <- cor2adj(cor_mat, beta = 9)