Read and parse BUSCO's summary report
- result_dir
Path to the directory where BUSCO results are stored. This function will look for the short_summary* file (single run) or short_summary* file (batch mode).
A data frame with the following variables:
- Class
BUSCO class. One of Complete_SC, Complete_duplicate, Fragmented, or Missing
- Frequency
Frequency of BUSCOs in each class. If BUSCO was run in batch mode, this variable will contain relative frequencies. If BUSCO was run for a single file, it will contain absolute frequencies.
- Lineage
Name of the lineage dataset used.
- File (batch mode only)
Name of the input FASTA file.
result_dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "cogeqc")
df <- read_busco(result_dir)